Site News and System Status
This page is designed to inform our customers of all current up to the minute Billing Pros system status, system issues, changes, updates and important must read customer information.
6/27/24: On July 14, 2024 the United States Postal Service will have a 5 cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp. The current price is 68 cents and will jump to 73 cents. This will cause your mailing per piece to also increase 5 cents. Presorted bulk mailings that are first class letter size will also go up in price.
1/14/24: If you didn't save your last 2023 Billing and Mailing Completion email and need it now for your Taxes please let us know and we will re-send it to you.
9/14/22: We once again added as
another payment option. Venmo takes 1 to 3 days to show into our Business account so if you use this payment option please allow extra
time for your payment to clear and your Billing and Mailing to be completed.
4/26/22: You can now select
"No Billing" in Group Updates and all the other Billing Type selections making it much easier to set specific customers to:
Paper or PDF Billing = PAPER
Email Billing Only = EMAIL
Paper or PDF and Email Billing = ALL
No Billing = NONE
8/4/21: On 8/2/21 PayPal increased their fees from the old 30 cents + 2.9% of the total Payment to now 49 cents + 3.49% of the total Payment. We have now added these extra fees to our PayPal Payment page and the Email Billing costs. The new rates of Email Billing are now 62 cents to cover these additional costs.
6/30/21: Paper Billers and Mailers, remember you can avoid PayPal costs by mailing us a business or personal check made out to BillingPros. If you know how many customers you're mailing each month just send us a check, if your not sure how many customers you will be mailing just over pay slightly. Remember any extra money in your account from over paying is carried over to your balance viewable in your billing and mailing completion email and can be used any time.
4/15/21: We just added a NEW PDF
Function to the Billing Pros System. Just set the customers you want PDF's for in the Billing Type and click the "Send PDF" image. Now you
can easily Print and Mail your own Customers or Email bill your Customers with the PDF as an attachment. This function allows business owners
to receive their Statements or Invoices in an easy printable or emailable PDF format, you have both options. We convert your Statements,
Invoice to PDF then email them to you however you want them.
Our Smiley Face Legend:
= system is working perfect with no problems.
= system is being worked on, updated or experiencing problems.
= system has new features, changes or important customer information.
as always, "we thank you for your business"
The Programming Department
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